
The latest development in the successful partnership provides students with the rare opportunity to experiment and create new bodies of work using natural gems.

The Wallpaper* USA 400 honors the people defining America's creative landscape, including many RISD alums.

The first cohort of apprentices-in-training are nearly halfway through the two-year, 4,000-hour pilot program.

The 2023–24 academic year comes to a close with final crits in studios across campus.

Students in a spring studio called Creating in Platinum are investigating the characteristics and corresponding design constraints of the unique precious metal.

Students in every department shared their work with classmates, professors and visiting experts in their fields.

As the semester comes to a close, grads and undergrads in every department gather constructive criticism for their inspiring work.

RISD’s Jewelry + Metalsmithing department collaborates with Project Open Door to offer young artists the first on-campus studio of its kind.

RISD cosponsors the annual SNAG conference and partners with precision tool manufacturer Lindström.