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Press releases

When the weather is nice, the patch of grass on Benefit Street between Waterman and Angell streets—otherwise known as the RISD Beach—is a popular spot for RISD students to sit, chat, nap, relax and enjoy each other's company. Photo by Jo Sittenfeld

Experimental and Foundation Studies students in the Drawing studio. Photo by Jo Sittenfeld

RISD flag over Benson Hall, home of the Printmaking department. Photo by Jo Sittenfeld

RISD’s campus on a sunny fall afternoon. Photo by Jo Sittenfeld

A former banking hall on the National Register of Historic Places, RISD’s library offers a lovely example of adaptive reuse. It holds a large collection of specialized holdings that support research in art, architecture and design.

Industrial Design metal/machine shop. Photo by Jo Sittenfeld

Crystal Williams is the 18th president of Rhode Island School of Design. A teacher, leader, advocate and poet, she brings to the role the global vision to guide RISD in creating a more just, fair and sustainable society. Photo by Jo Sittenfeld

Furniture Design upholstery lab. Photo by Jo Sittenfeld

“Daybreak,” a sculpture by late alum Gil Franklin 41 SC, on the RISD Beach. Photo by Jo Sittenfeld

Students “commuting” up Waterman Street. Photo by Jo Sittenfeld

Students examining live specimens at the Edna W. Lawrence Nature Lab at Rhode Island School of Design. Photo by Jo Sittenfeld.

Students at work in the Glass Hot Shop. Photo by Jo Sittenfeld

Textiles samples inspired by the wing of an earwig shown by Sarah Khadraoui 23 TX in the Future Spaces and Autonomous Vehicles RISD x Hyundai Motor Group Research Collaborative studio. Photo by Jo Sittenfeld

First-year students participating in an Experimental and Foundation Studios Drawing final crit

Student Christine Jung MFA CR 24 at work in the Ceramics studio. Photo by Jo Sittenfeld

RISD flags along Canal Walk. Photo by Jo Sittenfeld