Film/Animation/Video Courses
FAV 5103-02
In Video Practices, students will work with digital video cameras, sound recorders and microphones, and editing and color correction software. Through projects, screenings, in-class assignments, and readings, students will explore key concepts in digital moving-image making to build, expand, and deepen their time-based practice.
Estimated Cost of Materials: $60.00
Deposit: $150.00
Please contact for permission to register.
Major Requirement | BFA Film/Animation/Video
FAV 5105-01
In this course students explore the fundamentals of animated movement, timing, and materials through various animation techniques, including working directly on film, drawing on paper, pixilation, cut-out animation, and modified-base processes. Over the course of the semester, students will create six short animations and a wide range of animated films will be studied to augment the student's understanding of the field.
Estimated Cost of Materials: $40.00
Please contact for permission to register.
Major Requirement | BFA Film/Animation/Video
FAV 5105-01
In this course students explore the fundamentals of animated movement, timing, and materials through various animation techniques, including working directly on film, drawing on paper, pixilation, cut-out animation, and modified-base processes. Over the course of the semester, students will create six short animations and a wide range of animated films will be studied to augment the student's understanding of the field.
Estimated Cost of Materials: $40.00
Please contact for permission to register.
Major Requirement | BFA Film/Animation/Video
FAV 5105-02
In this course students explore the fundamentals of animated movement, timing, and materials through various animation techniques, including working directly on film, drawing on paper, pixilation, cut-out animation, and modified-base processes. Over the course of the semester, students will create six short animations and a wide range of animated films will be studied to augment the student's understanding of the field.
Estimated Cost of Materials: $40.00
Please contact for permission to register.
Major Requirement | BFA Film/Animation/Video
FAV 5105-03
In this course students explore the fundamentals of animated movement, timing, and materials through various animation techniques, including working directly on film, drawing on paper, pixilation, cut-out animation, and modified-base processes. Over the course of the semester, students will create six short animations and a wide range of animated films will be studied to augment the student's understanding of the field.
Estimated Cost of Materials: $40.00
Please contact for permission to register.
Major Requirement | BFA Film/Animation/Video
FAV 5106-01
The intermediate year of animation study witnesses a significant transformation, in which the student grows from novice to independent director. This year-long studio develops an integrated understanding of the diverse aesthetic tools of animation, and teaches students directing for the animation medium. The course is comprised of four elements. First, weekly in-class structured experiments and homework awaken and refine the student's understanding of movement, timing, writing, editing, sound design, art directing, and use of materials. Second, students receive technical training in 2D animation production. Third, students screen and discuss animated works spanning history, culture, and design approach. Fourth, each student designs, animates, directs, and produces two independent projects, one in the fall and one in the spring.
Estimated Cost of Materials: $300.00 Deposit: $150.00
Please contact for permission to register.
Major Requirement | BFA Film/Animation/Video | Animation
FAV 5106-02
The intermediate year of animation study witnesses a significant transformation, in which the student grows from novice to independent director. This year-long studio develops an integrated understanding of the diverse aesthetic tools of animation, and teaches students directing for the animation medium. The course is comprised of four elements. First, weekly in-class structured experiments and homework awaken and refine the student's understanding of movement, timing, writing, editing, sound design, art directing, and use of materials. Second, students receive technical training in 2D animation production. Third, students screen and discuss animated works spanning history, culture, and design approach. Fourth, each student designs, animates, directs, and produces two independent projects, one in the fall and one in the spring.
Estimated Cost of Materials: $300.00 Deposit: $150.00
Please contact for permission to register.
Major Requirement | BFA Film/Animation/Video | Animation
FAV 5106-03
The intermediate year of animation study witnesses a significant transformation, in which the student grows from novice to independent director. This year-long studio develops an integrated understanding of the diverse aesthetic tools of animation, and teaches students directing for the animation medium. The course is comprised of four elements. First, weekly in-class structured experiments and homework awaken and refine the student's understanding of movement, timing, writing, editing, sound design, art directing, and use of materials. Second, students receive technical training in 2D animation production. Third, students screen and discuss animated works spanning history, culture, and design approach. Fourth, each student designs, animates, directs, and produces two independent projects, one in the fall and one in the spring.
Estimated Cost of Materials: $300.00 Deposit: $150.00
Please contact for permission to register.
Major Requirement | BFA Film/Animation/Video | Animation
FAV 5107-01
This is the second semester of a year-long animation study, in which the student grows from novice to independent director. This studio develops an integrated understanding of the diverse aesthetic tools of animation, and teaches students directing for the animation medium. The course is comprised of four elements. First, weekly in-class structured experiments and homework awaken and refine the student's understanding of movement, timing, writing, editing, sound design, art directing, and use of materials. Second, students receive technical training in 2D animation production. Third, students screen and discuss animated works spanning history, culture, and design approach. Fourth, each student designs, animates, directs, and produces two independent projects, one in the fall and one in the spring.
Estimated Cost of Materials: varies considerably with production design; averages $300.00 to $1,200.00
Deposit: $150.00
Please contact for permission to register.
Major Requirement | BFA Film/Animation/Video | Animation
FAV 5107-02
This is the second semester of a year-long animation study, in which the student grows from novice to independent director. This studio develops an integrated understanding of the diverse aesthetic tools of animation, and teaches students directing for the animation medium. The course is comprised of four elements. First, weekly in-class structured experiments and homework awaken and refine the student's understanding of movement, timing, writing, editing, sound design, art directing, and use of materials. Second, students receive technical training in 2D animation production. Third, students screen and discuss animated works spanning history, culture, and design approach. Fourth, each student designs, animates, directs, and produces two independent projects, one in the fall and one in the spring.
Estimated Cost of Materials: varies considerably with production design; averages $300.00 to $1,200.00
Deposit: $150.00
Please contact for permission to register.
Major Requirement | BFA Film/Animation/Video | Animation
FAV 5108-01
This course focuses primarily on hand-drawn character design, development, and movement. Beginning with simple model sheets drawn from different points of view, we explore how action and context can affect the design of characters. The same characters are then taken straight into animation. Students use the characters they created as actors who must perform in a variety of situations, and interact directly with the physical space around them. Exercises include walk cycles, lip-syncing, anticipation and follow-through, weight and resistance, and lessons in narrative, storyboarding, and drawing skills. A longer, three-week final project provides an opportunity for students to show what they have learned, and to create a cohesive story from start to finish. All supporting software is covered in a series of simple workshops. Class time involves critiques of homework assignments, demonstrations of techniques and screenings of a diverse range of films.
Estimated Cost of Materials: $100.00
FAV 5110-01
This course explores a variety of approaches to non-fiction filmmaking, including intersections with social practice, the documentary ‘turn’ in art, non-fiction writing, experimental film and life-to-fiction adaptation. Students are encouraged to create their own approach to the dramaturgy, aesthetics, ethics, and politics of non-fiction storytelling. The course establishes a critical thinking community around these topics, as students continue to develop their practice. Students will be introduced to non-fiction writing, directing and producing, and will gain technical skills in recording and editing of sound and image. Students will work collaboratively on short assignments to gain experience in the field. The final project and focus throughout the semester is a fully researched and developed non-fiction project. The format is open – it can be a short film, visual essay, drawing/animation or installation. Readings and screenings of seminal non-fiction and fiction/non-fiction hybrid films will inspire and deepen students' understanding of non-fiction practices as an art form and as a vehicle for social change.
Non-majors welcome subject to space; please contact to register.
FAV 5111-01
This is a course demonstrating and exploring the basic techniques of Stop-Motion Puppet Animation, with the intent to provide students with hands-on creative experience in learning the potentials of the medium, and an introduction to filmic language. Studio exercises strengthen individual technical skills in basic armature construction and model making, animating pose-to-pose movement, the basic walk, expressions and gestures, clay animation with lip-sync, set construction and lighting for three-dimensional animation. Basic sound recording, mixing and editing are also covered. Conceptual skills are exercised through exploring intent, storytelling, storyboarding, editorial concepts, character performance, art direction, and basic sound design. This class is based on process and experimentation. It is meant to provide a strong foundation in the basics of stop-motion animation filmmaking, as well as the confidence to experiment further in one's future work. The idea is to enjoy the process by understanding it; control is born of experimentation and experience. This is a one semester class repeated in the spring.
Estimated Cost of Materials Cost: $40.00
FAV 5111-01
This is a course demonstrating and exploring the basic techniques of Stop-Motion Puppet Animation, with the intent to provide students with hands-on creative experience in learning the potentials of the medium, and an introduction to filmic language. Studio exercises strengthen individual technical skills in basic armature construction and model making, animating pose-to-pose movement, the basic walk, expressions and gestures, clay animation with lip-sync, set construction and lighting for three-dimensional animation. Basic sound recording, mixing and editing are also covered. Conceptual skills are exercised through exploring intent, storytelling, storyboarding, editorial concepts, character performance, art direction, and basic sound design. This class is based on process and experimentation. It is meant to provide a strong foundation in the basics of stop-motion animation filmmaking, as well as the confidence to experiment further in one's future work. The idea is to enjoy the process by understanding it; control is born of experimentation and experience. This is a one semester class repeated in the spring.
Estimated Cost of Materials Cost: $40.00
FAV 5112-01
Students in this course become engaged with sound as a partner in the language of time-based media. Through selected screenings, readings, and concept-driven design projects, the students develop ideas they can use as design principles in planning and working with sound. In addition, students get a hands-on overview of working with sound in a contemporary production environment, focusing on microphones, field recorders, and DAW software. Students learn to be better listeners and to be aware of how sound affects their perception of the world around them, as well as becoming technically competent to execute their creative ideas.
Estimated Cost of Materials: $50.00
Deposit: $150.00
FAV 5112-01
Students in this course become engaged with sound as a partner in the language of time-based media. Through selected screenings, readings, and concept-driven design projects, the students develop ideas they can use as design principles in planning and working with sound. In addition, students get a hands-on overview of working with sound in a contemporary production environment, focusing on microphones, field recorders, and DAW software. Students learn to be better listeners and to be aware of how sound affects their perception of the world around them, as well as becoming technically competent to execute their creative ideas.
Estimated Cost of Materials: $50.00
Deposit: $150.00
FAV 5113-01
This year-long video production studio focuses on the possibilities of the video medium and the development of an individualized practice within it. Students will be exposed to a wide range of forms including but not limited to single-channel production, installation, performance, documentary, and digital cinema.
Estimated Cost of Materials: $125.00 Deposit: $150.00
Department permission is required to register for this course; this course is not available via web registration. Please contact for permission to register.
Major Requirement | BFA Film/Animation/Video | Open Media
FAV 5114-01
This is a continuation of a year-long video production studio, focused on the possibilities of the video medium and the development of an individualized practice within it. Students are challenged to put to practice the research and experiments of the fall semester by producing a finished authored work for exhibition. The practical work of production is emphasized, and participation in the critical workshop environment is required. Continued research, development of technical skill, ability to plan and document process are expected.
Estimated Cost of Materials: $150.00
Deposit: $150.00
Please contact for permission to register.
Major Requirement | BFA Film/Animation/Video | Open Media
FAV 5115-01
This course identifies core principles of digital production, to enable students to continually adapt to the ever-changing world of software. Students research and produce artworks that demonstrate their understanding of these principles. This primary knowledge includes digital film and video formats, project asset management, compression techniques, understanding program interface design, color spaces, channel mixing and filters, and the creation and use of extra channels (such as alpha and depth).
Estimated Cost of Materials: $30.00
Please contact for permission to register.
Major Requirement | BFA Film/Animation/Video
FAV 5115-01
This course identifies core principles of digital production, to enable students to continually adapt to the ever-changing world of software. Students research and produce artworks that demonstrate their understanding of these principles. This primary knowledge includes digital film and video formats, project asset management, compression techniques, understanding program interface design, color spaces, channel mixing and filters, and the creation and use of extra channels (such as alpha and depth).
Estimated Cost of Materials: $30.00
Please contact for permission to register.
Major Requirement | BFA Film/Animation/Video