Activism 1960-69
Content warning: violence, racism, language
Campus demonstrations, petition letters and activism posters/artwork directly protest US involvement in the Vietnam War. Zines, posters and newspaper clips discuss the value of Black art in relation to ongoing civil and human rights violations experienced during this era.

Unity in Our Love of Man, Vietnam War Protest Poster, 1970
Unity in Our Love of Man, Vietnam War protest poster, RISD student, 1970
Unity in Our Love of Man, Vietnam War protest poster, RISD student, 1970

Stop War, Vietname War Poster, RISD student, 1970
Stop War, Vietnam War protest poster, RISD student, 1970
Stop War, Vietnam War protest poster, RISD student, 1970

Vietname War Protest Poster, RISD student, 1970
Vietnam War protest poster, RISD student, 1970
Vietname War protest poster, RISD student, 1970

Student Antiwar Demonstration, Rhode Island State House, Providence Journal Photo, 1970
Student antiwar demonstration, Rhode Island State House, 1970 (Providence Journal photo)
Student antiwar demonstration, Rhode Island State House, 1970 (Providence Journal photo)
“Senior in Photography Teaches for her Thesis,” The Designer’s News, newspaper, May 19–25, 1969, vol. 1 no. 3
“Senior in Photography Teaches for her Thesis,” The Designer’s News, newspaper, May 19–25, 1969, vol. 1 no. 3
“Senior in Photography Teaches for her Thesis” (continued)
“Senior in Photography Teaches for her Thesis” (continued), The Designer’s News, newspaper, May 19–25, 1969, vol. 1 no. 3

"Hit Them Hard and Low: You May Not Be in this Game Long", John Torres, 1969
"Hit Them Hard and Low: You May Not Be in this Game Long", John Torres (RISD faculty), 1969
"Hit Them Hard and Low: You May Not Be in this Game Long", John Torres (RISD faculty), 1969

Anti-war petition, RISD Museum, 1970
Anti-war petition, RISD Museum, 1970
Anti-war petition, RISD Museum, 1970

RISD Beach Gravesite Installation, RISD Students, 1970
RISD Beach gravesite installation, RISD students, 1970
RISD Beach gravesite installation, RISD students, 1970

Installation of Antiwar Mobile Artwork Petition, Providence Journal Photo, 1970
Installation of antiwar mobile artwork petition, 1970 (Providence Journal photo)
Installation of antiwar mobile artwork petition, 1970 (Providence Journal photo)

Black Student Community of RISD Statement of Belief, 1969
Black Student Community of RISD Statement of Belief, 1969
Black Student Community of RISD Statement of Belief, 1969
View full PDF here

Antiwar Mobile Artwork Petition, Providence Journal Photo,1970
Antiwar mobile artwork petition, 1970 (Providence Journal photo)
Antiwar mobile artwork petition, 1970 (Providence Journal photo)

White Affirmation of Support for the RISD Black Community, document, 1968
White Affirmation of Support for the RISD Black Community, document, 1968

We the Black Students of Rhode Island School of Design, document, May 16, 1968
We the Black Students of Rhode Island School of Design, document, May 16, 1968
“Student Group Turns Activist,” The Designer’s News, newspaper, May 18–25, 1969
“Student Group Turns Activist,” The Designer’s News, newspaper, May 18–25, 1969
“Ecology Action,” RISD, newspaper, November 1969, vol. 1 no. 4
“Ecology Action,” RISD, newspaper, November 1969, vol. 1 no. 4
“John Torres—Troublemaker” (continued)
“John Torres—Troublemaker” (continued), The Designer’s News, newspaper, May 19–25, 1969, vol. 1 no. 3
“John Torres—Troublemaker,” The Designer’s News, newspaper, May 19–25, 1969, vol. 1 no. 3
“John Torres—Troublemaker,” The Designer’s News, newspaper, May 19–25, 1969, vol. 1 no. 3
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