Tim Maly

Senior Lead, Strategic Design & Communications

Tim Maly is senior lead of Strategic Design & Communications at RISD’s Center for Complexity. Tim is working on designing institutions suitable for managing existential threats and providing care beyond stigma. A writer and critical designer, Tim teaches in the Master’s of Industrial Design program at RISD, helping students understand the role that communication plays in explaining and exploring ideas.  

Prior to joining RISD, Tim focused on the small details and vast networks at the strange edges of architecture and design. Tim is a co-founder of the Dredge Research Collaborative and of Capybara Games. Tim’s work has appeared in WiredFast Co.DesignThe AtlanticMediumWorks That Work and Urban Omnibus. Tim and Emily Horne co-wrote The Inspection House: An Impertinent Field Guide to Modern Surveillance, published by Coach House Press.