April Prince

April Jones Prince is a children’s book author and freelance editor who has worked in children’s publishing for more than 20 years. She holds a degree in journalism and mass communication from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a certificate in publishing from the Radcliffe Publishing Course. Prince has worked in the editorial departments at William Morrow and HarperCollins Children’s Books and has been a ghostwriter, children’s bookseller and book reviewer. She currently edits and represents children’s book authors and illustrators at Studio Goodwin Sturges in Providence. When not working with clients or RISD students on their book projects, she speaks at elementary schools and writes at her home in Massachusetts. She is the award-winning author of 14 books for young readers, including You Are a Reader!/You Are a Writer!, Who Was Frederick Douglass? and Twenty-One Elephants and Still Standing. She especially loves history, biography and all kinds of picture books.