Eric Anderson

Eric Anderson studies and teaches the history of modern design, with interests in interiors and domesticity, design exhibitions and media, psychological theories in design, and the global history of modernism. His articles and reviews have appeared in the journals West 86th, Centropa, Journal of Design History, Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide, Austrian History Yearbook, German History and Burlington Magazine and in books including Design Dialogue: Jews, Culture and Viennese Modernism (Vienna, 2018), Making Home: The Arts and Crafts Movement and the Reform of Everyday Life (New Haven, 2018), Klimt und der Ringstrasse (Vienna, 2015) and Performance, Fashion, and the Modern Interior (Oxford, 2011). As Fulbright-Freud Visiting Lecturer of Psychoanalysis at the Sigmund Freud Museum in Vienna in 2017, he conducted research toward a forthcoming book Dreams in Color: Vienna’s Decorative Experiences. His most recent project tracks intersections of design pedagogy and global discourses of development at the Ulm School of Design and through Ulm’s international exchanges in Latin America, South Asia and East Asia.
Academic areas of interest
- the domestic interior
- museums, exhibitions, display and media
- design and the social sciences (anthropology, ethnography, psychology)
- cultural history of Austria and Germany
- global design history