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GAC 701G-01
Provides an opportunity for independent research related to the discussions, topics, readings and other activities from GAC-700G. Students will begin to develop areas of focus in order to identify future electives and research topics leading toward the Master's Thesis.
This is a co-requisite course. Students must register for GAC-700G and GAC-701G.
Enrollment is limited to Global Arts and Cultures Students.
Major Requirement | MA Global Arts and Cultures
GAC 702G-01
Introduces a variety of interdisciplinary, transdisciplinary, and multidisiciplinary approaches to thinking about cultural imagination and cultural production. Students explore their own research habits and consider the viability of standard as well as experimental approaches for the kinds of projects they want to pursue. Key to the work of the course is exploration of the challenges (definitional, practical, ethical) that arise in doing different kinds of research. A requirement in the first semester of the GAC MA degree, the course creates a common vocabulary and experience for all GAC MA students. The course will be run as a seminar, with weekly reading assignments, regular writing assignments, and in class discussion.
Enrollment is limited to Global Arts and Cultures Students.
Major Requirement | MA Global Arts and Cultures
GAC 703G-01
Introduces some of the complex challenges that confront those who engage with making meaning in the arts. The course begins by establishing an interdisciplinary vocabulary and methodology to address questions of ethics and representation in the arts. The second segment of the course interrogates specific case studies in the politics and ethics of representation. Case studies may be drawn from art, design, literature, music, performance or other forms of cultural production. The course will be run as a seminar with weekly reading assignments, regular writing assignments and in class discussion.
Preference is given to Global Arts and Cultures Students.
Major Requirement | MA Global Arts and Cultures
GAC 798G-01
Provides guidance through the process of devising, writing and revising the prospectus that will govern their Master's Thesis. Students will develop the prospectus through in-depth research into a topic of their choice, regular submission of written work, feedback from peers and faculty, and revision of written work. Readings and discussion will provide additional structure to the course. At the end of the semester, students will submit the prospectus to the First and Second Readers of the MA Committee. Acceptance of the prospectus is a requirement for continuing to GAC-799G: Thesis.
Enrollment is limited to Global Arts and Cultures Students.
Major Requirement | MA Global Arts and Cultures
GAC 799G-01
A Master's Thesis is a substantive, research-based scholarly essay of at least 60 double-spaced pages that involves original research and makes an original intervention in the field. The culmination of the Master's Degree, the Master's Thesis is of publishable quality. This course supports the completion of the Master's Thesis. Students are required to work independently, in conversation with peers, and in individual consultation with their MA Thesis Committee to develop, complete, revise, and finalize the Master's Thesis. The Master's Thesis will be housed in the RISD Library in both print and electronic forms. Students are also expected to present work related to the Master's Thesis at the GAC MA Symposium. Please see the GAC MA Thesis Timeline for a clear sequence of required deadlines. Please see the GAC MA Thesis Guidelines and Policies for clarification of the goals and expectations of the GAC MA.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of GAC-798G and approval of the prospectus are required for enrollment.
Enrollment is limited to Global Arts and Cultures Students.
Major Requirement | MA Global Arts and Cultures
GAC 799G-02
A Master's Thesis is a substantive, research-based scholarly essay of at least 60 double-spaced pages that involves original research and makes an original intervention in the field. The culmination of the Master's Degree, the Master's Thesis is of publishable quality. This course supports the completion of the Master's Thesis. Students are required to work independently, in conversation with peers, and in individual consultation with their MA Thesis Committee to develop, complete, revise, and finalize the Master's Thesis. The Master's Thesis will be housed in the RISD Library in both print and electronic forms. Students are also expected to present work related to the Master's Thesis at the GAC MA Symposium. Please see the GAC MA Thesis Timeline for a clear sequence of required deadlines. Please see the GAC MA Thesis Guidelines and Policies for clarification of the goals and expectations of the GAC MA.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of GAC-798G and approval of the prospectus are required for enrollment.
Enrollment is limited to Global Arts and Cultures Students.
Major Requirement | MA Global Arts and Cultures
GAC 799G-03
A Master's Thesis is a substantive, research-based scholarly essay of at least 60 double-spaced pages that involves original research and makes an original intervention in the field. The culmination of the Master's Degree, the Master's Thesis is of publishable quality. This course supports the completion of the Master's Thesis. Students are required to work independently, in conversation with peers, and in individual consultation with their MA Thesis Committee to develop, complete, revise, and finalize the Master's Thesis. The Master's Thesis will be housed in the RISD Library in both print and electronic forms. Students are also expected to present work related to the Master's Thesis at the GAC MA Symposium. Please see the GAC MA Thesis Timeline for a clear sequence of required deadlines. Please see the GAC MA Thesis Guidelines and Policies for clarification of the goals and expectations of the GAC MA.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of GAC-798G and approval of the prospectus are required for enrollment.
Enrollment is limited to Global Arts and Cultures Students.
Major Requirement | MA Global Arts and Cultures
GAC 799G-04
A Master's Thesis is a substantive, research-based scholarly essay of at least 60 double-spaced pages that involves original research and makes an original intervention in the field. The culmination of the Master's Degree, the Master's Thesis is of publishable quality. This course supports the completion of the Master's Thesis. Students are required to work independently, in conversation with peers, and in individual consultation with their MA Thesis Committee to develop, complete, revise, and finalize the Master's Thesis. The Master's Thesis will be housed in the RISD Library in both print and electronic forms. Students are also expected to present work related to the Master's Thesis at the GAC MA Symposium. Please see the GAC MA Thesis Timeline for a clear sequence of required deadlines. Please see the GAC MA Thesis Guidelines and Policies for clarification of the goals and expectations of the GAC MA.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of GAC-798G and approval of the prospectus are required for enrollment.
Enrollment is limited to Global Arts and Cultures Students.
Major Requirement | MA Global Arts and Cultures
GAC 799G-05
A Master's Thesis is a substantive, research-based scholarly essay of at least 60 double-spaced pages that involves original research and makes an original intervention in the field. The culmination of the Master's Degree, the Master's Thesis is of publishable quality. This course supports the completion of the Master's Thesis. Students are required to work independently, in conversation with peers, and in individual consultation with their MA Thesis Committee to develop, complete, revise, and finalize the Master's Thesis. The Master's Thesis will be housed in the RISD Library in both print and electronic forms. Students are also expected to present work related to the Master's Thesis at the GAC MA Symposium. Please see the GAC MA Thesis Timeline for a clear sequence of required deadlines. Please see the GAC MA Thesis Guidelines and Policies for clarification of the goals and expectations of the GAC MA.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of GAC-798G and approval of the prospectus are required for enrollment.
Enrollment is limited to Global Arts and Cultures Students.
Major Requirement | MA Global Arts and Cultures
GAC 799G-06
A Master's Thesis is a substantive, research-based scholarly essay of at least 60 double-spaced pages that involves original research and makes an original intervention in the field. The culmination of the Master's Degree, the Master's Thesis is of publishable quality. This course supports the completion of the Master's Thesis. Students are required to work independently, in conversation with peers, and in individual consultation with their MA Thesis Committee to develop, complete, revise, and finalize the Master's Thesis. The Master's Thesis will be housed in the RISD Library in both print and electronic forms. Students are also expected to present work related to the Master's Thesis at the GAC MA Symposium. Please see the GAC MA Thesis Timeline for a clear sequence of required deadlines. Please see the GAC MA Thesis Guidelines and Policies for clarification of the goals and expectations of the GAC MA.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of GAC-798G and approval of the prospectus are required for enrollment.
Enrollment is limited to Global Arts and Cultures Students.
Major Requirement | MA Global Arts and Cultures
GAC 799G-07
A Master's Thesis is a substantive, research-based scholarly essay of at least 60 double-spaced pages that involves original research and makes an original intervention in the field. The culmination of the Master's Degree, the Master's Thesis is of publishable quality. This course supports the completion of the Master's Thesis. Students are required to work independently, in conversation with peers, and in individual consultation with their MA Thesis Committee to develop, complete, revise, and finalize the Master's Thesis. The Master's Thesis will be housed in the RISD Library in both print and electronic forms. Students are also expected to present work related to the Master's Thesis at the GAC MA Symposium. Please see the GAC MA Thesis Timeline for a clear sequence of required deadlines. Please see the GAC MA Thesis Guidelines and Policies for clarification of the goals and expectations of the GAC MA.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of GAC-798G and approval of the prospectus are required for enrollment.
Enrollment is limited to Global Arts and Cultures Students.
Major Requirement | MA Global Arts and Cultures
GLASS 431G-01
This first semester of graduate study emphasizes varied experimentation, extensive visual source research, maximum productivity and conceptual growth. Students are expected to develop professional associations with artists outside the glass department in addition to the department's faculty and its scheduled roster of Visiting Artists and critics.
Estimated Cost of Materials: $500.00
Majors are pre-registered for this course by the department. Enrollment is limited to Graduate Glass Students.
Major Requirement | MFA Glass
GLASS 432G-01
Graduate Glass II continues with the objectives of the preceding semester. It is expected that students continue artistic experimentation and individual growth at an increasingly professional level.
Estimated Cost of Materials: $500.00
Majors are pre-registered for this course by the department. Enrollment is limited to Graduate Glass Students.
Major Requirement | MFA Glass
GLASS 433G-01
The student is expected to begin refining a personal viewpoint that incorporates glass in preparation for the graduate degree project. Studio work continues to include consultation and group critique with department faculty, its visiting artists, critics, and the student's own outside advisors.
Estimated Cost of Materials: $500.00
Majors are pre-registered for this course by the department. Enrollment is limited to Graduate Glass Students.
Major Requirement | MFA Glass
GLASS 434G-01
With assistance from department and outside faculty, the graduate student defines and organizes an evolved artistic viewpoint presented in both a comprehensive written thesis and a thesis exhibition. At the beginning of this semester, students are also required to present a slide source presentation to a department assembly that is a compilation of the previous three semesters' visual research. A professional portfolio is presented to the department at the completion of the student's graduate study.
Estimated Cost of Materials: $500.00
Majors are pre-registered for this course by the department. Enrollment is limited to Graduate Glass Students.
Major Requirement | MFA Glass
GLASS 435G-01
All Glass junior, senior and graduate degree program students meet together to engage both practical and theoretical issues of a glass career through: field trips, technical demonstrations, visitor presentations, and direct exchange with visiting professionals from relevant disciplines through student/professional collaborations, artist residencies, individual consultations, critique, and organized group discussion. Class will require reading, active participation in weekly discussions, and prepared student presentations.
First-year graduate students register for GLASS-435G (Fall) and GLASS-436G (Spring).
Second-year graduate students register for GLASS-437G (Fall) and GLASS-438G (Spring).
Majors are pre-registered for this course by the department. Enrollment is limited to Graduate Glass Students.
Major Requirement | MFA Glass
GLASS 436G-01
All Glass junior, senior and graduate degree program students meet together to engage both practical and theoretical issues of a glass career through: field trips, technical demonstrations, visitor presentations, and direct exchange with visiting professionals from relevant disciplines through student/professional collaborations, artist residencies, individual consultations, critique, and organized group discussion. Class will require reading, active participation in weekly discussions, and prepared student presentations.
First-year graduate students register for GLASS-435G (Fall) and GLASS-436G (Spring).
Second-year graduate students register for GLASS-437G (Fall) and GLASS-438G (Spring).
Majors are pre-registered for this course by the department. Enrollment is limited to Graduate Glass Students.
Major Requirement | MFA Glass
GLASS 437G-01
All Glass junior, senior and graduate degree program students meet together to engage both practical and theoretical issues of a glass career through: field trips, technical demonstrations, visitor presentations, and direct exchange with visiting professionals from relevant disciplines through student/professional collaborations, artist residencies, individual consultations, critique, and organized group discussion. Class will require reading, active participation in weekly discussions, and prepared student presentations.
First-year graduate students register for GLASS-435G (Fall) and GLASS-436G (Spring).
Second-year graduate students register for GLASS-437G (Fall) and GLASS-438G (Spring).
Majors are pre-registered for this course by the department. Enrollment is limited to Graduate Glass Students.
Major Requirement | MFA Glass
GLASS 438G-01
All Glass junior, senior and graduate degree program students meet together to engage both practical and theoretical issues of a glass career through: field trips, technical demonstrations, visitor presentations, and direct exchange with visiting professionals from relevant disciplines through student/professional collaborations, artist residencies, individual consultations, critique, and organized group discussion. Class will require reading, active participation in weekly discussions, and prepared student presentations.
First-year graduate students register for GLASS-435G (Fall) and GLASS-436G (Spring).
Second-year graduate students register for GLASS-437G (Fall) and GLASS-438G (Spring).
Majors are pre-registered for this course by the department. Enrollment is limited to Graduate Glass Students.
Major Requirement | MFA Glass
GLASS 451G-01
This graduate seminar provides an intensive study of current critical issues in contemporary art. Each Fall a visiting curator or critic is invited to lead the course. While the themes covered each semester will vary with the visiting instructor, the structure of the course will remain the same. The class is divided into two segments: a seminar and a studio. Each week the seminar lasts for three hours followed by studio visits with each student. This course helps students carry the dialogue of contemporary art issues into the studio more effectively.
Please contact the department for permission to register. Preference is given to Graduate Glass Students.
Major Requirement | MFA Glass