Fatema Maswood

Assistant Professor

Fatema Maswood (they/she) is a landscape and architectural designer based in Providence, RI. They design, vision, build and grow towards “life-affirming institutions” (Ruth Wilson Gilmore). Some of their work includes co-creating the Providence Seed Library with Community Libraries of Providence (provseedlib.com), researching and modeling North African water harvesting and flood mitigation technologies, working towards community land access and designing and building with youth.

Maswood earned their MLA degree from the University of Washington in Seattle and a Bachelor of Arts in Architecture from Barnard College. They were a 2022 NAS Creative Community Fellow, the 2020–21 Artist-in-Residence with the City of Providence Office of Sustainability, a 2019 National Olmsted Scholar Finalist, and a recipient of a Merit from the American Society of Landscape Architects.