Neil Nelson
Fall 2024 Courses
ID 2451-02
This course gives the student a hands-on opportunity to develop design skills through the interaction with industrial materials that have strictly defined properties. Experimenting with these materials and the processes by which they are manipulated and formed promotes innovative thinking, problem solving and idea development. Students will achieve a more precise, professional and sensitive approach to design while broadening their technical skill base.
Enrollment is limited to Sophomore Industrial Design Students.
Major Requirement | BFA Industrial Design
Wintersession 2025 Courses
ID 2477-101
The purpose of this course is to introduce students to advanced CAD techniques for 3D modeling and rendering. Extending the department's CAD education from 'Designing with Solidworks,' multiple industrial design projects will be taught primarily using Rhino and Grasshopper. In this course, students will become familiar with polygonal Meshes, NURBS surfaces & solids, SubD surfaces and Voxel volumes. Additionally, the workflow of setting up physically based materials, texture mapping and lighting to communicate designs via digital renderings will be taught. Students will also be able to explore connections with other programs (e.g. Blender, Nomad Sculpt, KeyShot, Zbrush etc.) if desired. The specific offerings vary year to year.
Estimated Cost of Materials: $100.00
Major Requirement | BFA Industrial Design
Spring 2025 Courses
ID 2477-03
The purpose of this course is to introduce students to advanced CAD techniques for 3D modeling and rendering. Extending the department's CAD education from 'Designing with Solidworks,' multiple industrial design projects will be taught primarily using Rhino and Grasshopper. In this course, students will become familiar with polygonal Meshes, NURBS surfaces & solids, SubD surfaces and Voxel volumes. Additionally, the workflow of setting up physically based materials, texture mapping and lighting to communicate designs via digital renderings will be taught. Students will also be able to explore connections with other programs (e.g. Blender, Nomad Sculpt, KeyShot, Zbrush etc.) if desired. The specific offerings vary year to year.
Estimated Cost of Materials: $100.00
Major Requirement | BFA Industrial Design