Josh Glenn
Josh Glenn is a pioneering commercial semiotician with 25 years of experience. He offers unique insights into world-class companies (such as the Coca-Cola Company, Ubisoft, Colgate and Prudential) about everything from brand strategy and marketing to design and innovation.
He is also a writer, editor and publisher. He currently serves as editor of Radium Age, a book series from MIT Press, and publisher of the websites HiLoBrow and Semiovox. He has written or edited more than a dozen books, including most recently More Voices from the Radium Age (MIT Press, 2023), Lost Objects (Hat & Beard, 2022) and The Adventurer’s Glossary (McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2021).
In collaboration with Rob Walker, he has spent years exploring the emotional investment that humans make in inanimate objects via Significant Objects (2009–12) and Project:Object (ongoing) and two books.