Aaron Becker
Aaron Becker was born in Baltimore and attended Pomona College in Claremont, CA as well as Art Center College of Design in Pasadena. He worked for 10 years in the film industry under the direction of Lucasfilm VP Doug Chiang. In 2013 his first wordless picture book for children, JOURNEY, appeared on The New York Times bestsellers list for more than 20 weeks. The book went on to receive a Caldecott Honor and New York Times Best Illustrated award for the year and was followed by QUEST (2014) and RETURN (2016).
Becker has now created more than 10 books for children, including the popular and acclaimed You Are Light board book and The Tree and the River, which has been shortlisted for the Yoto Carnegie Medal for Illustration. His work has regularly shown in the Society of Illustrators’ annual Original Art show and has appeared in exhibits at the Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art, the Portsmouth Historical Society and the National Building Museum in Washington, DC.
He currently lives in Amherst, MA with his wife and two daughters.