Mae Dessauvage

Mae Dessauvage is a designer and artist based in Brooklyn, NY and Brussels, Belgium. Her practice looks to typology and iconography to rethink the cultural production of architecture and images. Dessauvage holds an MArch from Harvard University’s Graduate School of Design and a Bachelor’s degree from Columbia University. She has previously worked in the offices of Xaveer De Geyter architects, Robbrecht en Daem and Stephane Beel architects. Recent solo exhibitions include So Glad to Have Found It, Tatjana Pieters, Ghent (BE); The Weight of Angels, Artspace, Richmond (US); and The Sleeping Hermaphrodite, The Green Corridor, Brussels (BE). Her work was included in recent group exhibitions at the Belgian Art & Design Fair, Ghent (BE); PADA Studios, Barreiro (PT); Trestle Gallery, Brooklyn (NY); Tiger Strikes Asteroid, Philadelphia (US); and Kirkland Gallery, Cambridge (US). She was the PADA Studios Resident in Barreiro (PT) in 2021 and the Trestle Art Space Resident in Brooklyn (NY) in 2020.