Jacqueline Hall


Jacq Hall is an artist, landscape designer and urban forester in Providence, RI. She currently works as the director of special projects at Groundwork Rhode Island, where she designs and manages tree planting and other green infrastructure projects. She received a joint master’s degree in architecture and environmental management from Yale in 2018 and a BA in urban political ecology from New York University in 2012. At Yale her research focused on environmental justice in water management in Mexico City. She has worked in sculpture, architecture and landscape design studios in New York, New Haven and Providence and was an artist in residence at Hewn Oaks in 2023.


Fall 2024 Courses

Level Undergraduate
Unit Architecture
Subject Architecture
Period Fall 2024
Credits 3
Format Studio
Mode In-Person
Start date
End date


Level Undergraduate
Unit Architecture
Subject Architecture
Period Fall 2024
Credits 3
Format Studio
Mode In-Person
Start and End 2024-09-04 to 2024-12-11
Times: F | 1:10 PM - 6:10 PM Instructor(s): Jacqueline Hall Location(s): Bayard Ewing Building, Room 106 Enrolled / Capacity: 14 Status: Open


This course introduces the beginning student to the origins, media, geometries and role(s) of projection drawing in the design and construction process. The student will learn systems of projection drawing from direct experience, and be challenged to work both from life and to life. Subjects such as transparency, figure/ground, sciagraphy, oblique projection, surface development, volumetric intersections, spatial manipulation and analytic operations will build on the basics of orthographic and conic projection. The course involves line and tone drawing, hand drafting, computer drawing (Autocad) and computer modeling (Rhino).

Estimated Cost of Materials: $20.00 - $100.00

Majors are pre-registered for this course by the department.

Major Requirement | BArch: Architecture