Azadeh Ahmadi

Critic - FAV

Azadeh Ahmadi is a Los Angeles-based filmmaker whose documentary and fiction films explore relations between the individual and the social context represented in memory and absence. In her films, human gestures and movements are substantial visual and psychological elements, revealing neglected and suppressed individual and collective narratives.

Ahmadi’s work has screened at festivals and venues including Buenos Aires International Film Festival, Blow-Up Arthouse Film Fest, Lulea International Film Festival, Boden International Film Festival, 2220 Arts and Archives, and Murmurs Gallery among others. She holds an MFA in film directing from CalArts and a BFA in theater from the University of Tehran.

Reading the Waves—Ahmadi’s interdisciplinary practice-based research project—conjoins theory and cinematic form to investigate the inner qualities of everyday human movements and gestures in private and public domains. Through this work she explores the interrelations between the body and the sociocultural structures placed upon, and how these interrelations create affect in art practice.